
Just do it.

Checked gmail box and found a suspicious note from one unknown sender with a title of "I found him in the pool struggling under water". Still no idea it came through which route. However, it's namely given me something.

Today I experienced every parents nightmare...

I walked out to the pool and
saw my 4 year old son struggling under water in the pool. My instincts kicked in
and I leapt into the water to pull him up.What an absolutely horrible
feeling.I'm so thankful that I walked out there when I had... a few moments
later and he might not be here right now.

This incident reminded me just how
fragile life can be.I hope that you have a great holiday season... I hope that
you spend time with your friends and family...And most importantly, I hope that
you'll do your best to live your life each and every day to it's fullest.Don't
let pain control your life any more...

Make the decision right now to take your
life back. You CAN do it and we can help you!

Don't let excuses stand in your way
any more... enough isenough! You are a powerful human being and you can
livewithout pain...You just need to decide you are going to and then take
action...NOTHING can stop you but you.Anyway...

Happy holidays... and I'll see
you in a few days with a bunch of great new stuff that I've been working on for
you :)


Feels like it's from Santa. (Oh... you are late 2 days, LoL)
Say yes to whatever it is.

Because if I say yest to it and then I get in the middle of it, and I say "Oh, this is not really turning out the way I wanted it to," then out of that is born another desire. And as I say yes to that, then it turns out.
And I say, "Well, it's still not quite right." So I have another desire. Until eventually I get it exactly right. I can not get it wrong. No creation is ever complete. Just to it.


make it mine

Make a decision of what I want, give my attention there, find the feeling place of it -- and I am there instantly. There is no reason for me to suffer or struggle my way to or through anything.
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